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What order can an E.H.O give if they find a premises, piece of equipment or a practice going on which is not satisfactory and is a danger to the public?
How often should waste be removed from the kitchen area?
To what core temperature should meat and poultry dishes be cooked?
How would you ensure that cross contamination of food items didn’t take place ?
Where should raw meat be stored in a refrigerator?
Cooking is a heat treatment used to make food safe. Critical limit for cooking is ……..°C?
Which one of the following jewellery is acceptable for a food handler to wear?
Which one of these statements about bacteria is true?
What kind of soap should be provided for hand washing?
Why do you use disinfectants on food preparation surfaces?
At work, the best way to dry your hands is?
Micro-Organisms are?
Food poisoning bacteria will multiply readily between:
Environmental Health Officers enforce food hygiene regulations. Which one of the following powers do they not have?
What is the first thing you do when you enter a food premises?
Food contaminated with food poisoning bacteria would:
Which of the following is NOT a common source of micro-organisms?
If you suspect a delivery of bread has mice droppings on it what action would you take?
How many times can you reheat leftovers?
Why are cleaning schedules important?
Why is bread not a high risk food?
Typical symptoms of food poisoning are?
Food poisoning only occurs because of bad practice in:
An environmental health officer
If you arrived at work and cut yourself on the way into the food prep area what actions would you take?
Why do we change from out outdoor clothing when we come to work and vice-versa when we go home?
If you go into the food store room and see boxes on the floor what would you do any why?
The temperature inside your fridge should be……..°C?
In a deep freeze, most food poisoning bacteria:
Chilled food which has just been delivered needs to be put in the fridge quickly becuase?
What is the first thing you do when you enter a food premises?
How many times can you reheat leftovers?
Food poisoning only occurs because of bad practice in:
If you go into the food store room and see boxes on the floor what would you do any why?
What order can an E.H.O give if they find a premises, piece of equipment or a practice going on which is not satisfactory and is a danger to the public?
Where should raw meat be stored in a refrigerator?
What kind of soap should be provided for hand washing?
Micro-Organisms are?
Food contaminated with food poisoning bacteria would:
Why are cleaning schedules important?
An environmental health officer
The temperature inside your fridge should be……..°C?
How often should waste be removed from the kitchen area?
Cooking is a heat treatment used to make food safe. Critical limit for cooking is ……..°C?
Why do you use disinfectants on food preparation surfaces?
Food poisoning bacteria will multiply readily between:
Which of the following is NOT a common source of micro-organisms?
Why is bread not a high risk food?
If you arrived at work and cut yourself on the way into the food prep area what actions would you take?
In a deep freeze, most food poisoning bacteria:
To what core temperature should meat and poultry dishes be cooked?
Which one of the following jewellery is acceptable for a food handler to wear?
At work, the best way to dry your hands is?
Environmental Health Officers enforce food hygiene regulations. Which one of the following powers do they not have?
If you suspect a delivery of bread has mice droppings on it what action would you take?
Typical symptoms of food poisoning are?
Why do we change from out outdoor clothing when we come to work and vice-versa when we go home?
Chilled food which has just been delivered needs to be put in the fridge quickly becuase?
How would you ensure that cross contamination of food items didn’t take place ?
Which one of these statements about bacteria is true?
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